Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cat Scratch Fever

With the Fringe bearing down we have been going Cat CRAZY at Electra House building and cleaning our little cat butts off. So we'll pick up from a couple of weeks ago...late Jan.

Friday we did a lot of meat and potatoes type work, various form lodgements and a fridge recon'.

Friday night we were joined at Electra House by James, who, using Tron like special effects, made the laborious task of masking the walls quite entertaining.  Lasers!

Later on we were joined by friends, some volunteers who contacted us through facebook and an eleventh hour appearance by the Renew Adelaide team.  We all proceeded to speculate over what could and couldn't be achieved at Electra House over the weekend - thirsty work!

In the interest of not using port-a-loos that have to be pumped out every second day, Saturday morning, James exposed us to our sewerage options, one of which is pictured below.  Even the Baulderstone boys wanted to have a look.  Who would've thought a big ol' dirty sewer would create such a vibrant, community atmosphere?

Our facebook volunteers arrived, as did our friends and Cass's dad!  A total number of seven people put in a six hour day and the results were impressive, three rooms given the meth'/sandpaper treatment and at least one coat of paint each.  We also removed another two spray painted penises.  The scorecard reads Tuxedo Cat - 4.  Spray Painted Penises - 0.

In between all this hands on activity we also caught up with our lawyer mate Jon.  Not including the champagne and lobster, he works for us pro bono.  Pictured below, he is scouring either a contract or a seafood menu - we can't remember.  Thanks Jon!

Australia Day began at 8am and was spent painting the rest of the building, putting in doors, fake walls, scraping the floors clean and removing all pigeon entry points...and the odd pigeon.  (See pic below)

Among our helpers were a locksmith, a professional tree climber, a comedian, a muso, a second hand record dealer, a lollipop lady, a Telstra call centre guy, a RSPCA worker, one of our tech boys, a two and a half year old child, three legit trades people and an urban renewal specialist/consultant/visionary/cyclist/drinker.  There ya go!  A late morning, morale boosting  pop in by the Right Honorable Lord Mayor Stephen Yarwood (disappointingly, not in robes) with his entourage bearing scones lifted the day and we finished around six with a bbq and drinks, certain that we had made progress.