Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cat Alive!

With Tuxedo Cat curling up at Electra House, one working bee under our collar and the holiday season out of the way, we have regrouped to complete the transformation of 131 King William Street into the desirable Fringe hangout we have been missing since the demolition of our previous site at Synagogue Place.

Today we measured the space required to make way for the electrical cabling.

With three levels to bring alive it has the potential to be tricky but Electra House, with its wide halls and massive light shafts is generous with its solutions.  The building was gutted of wiring and other vital organs such as water and toilets several years ago.  Other notable absences of lesser impact include windows, doors, ceilings and floorboards.  Oh alright - it's a shell!

For the first time in five years of operating venues, sponsors wanting to make significant contributions to Tuxedo Cat have jumped on board.  Not just "Here, have an ice bucket and a couple of umbrellas" types BUT Crumpler, Little Creatures and Dulux all, quite simply, 'get it', they are just as excited as we are about being part of our landscape.  Combine this with the immeasurable support from the Adelaide Fringe office, the new Lord Mayor, the Adelaide City Council CEO and the like-minded crowd from Renew Adelaide and we begin to feel that there is a bigger and more positive movement happening collectively that could really strengthen and expand the artistic and social possibilities of Adelaide.  Exciting, huh?

Concluding our duties at Electra House for today by touching up some spray painted penises (averaging about two per room, slightly less than the previous Cat) with some metho' and sanding, we check that the date today is in fact 12/1/11 and think bloody hell...lets get our Cat on!

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